Author-it Software Corporation attends DevLearn & LavaCon 2022
Author-it attends DevLearn in Las Vegas and LavaCon in New Orleans!
We are delighted to have attended our first events since the pause due to Covid.
During the last week of October, our team visited the wonderful city of jazz and blues, New Orleans, where the LavaCon Content Strategy Conference held sway down in the center of the city on Canal Street at the Astor Crowne Plaza!
LavaCon, which centers on content management related platforms, saw our colleagues in top form while connecting with old acquaintances and competitors. Everyone was pleased about the Author-it orange socks and chocolate fish from New Zealand. We came away with quite a few cool swag items from our competitors as well!

Our team offers information on how Author-it is a scalable CCMS solution with enterprise grade security for technical publications, eLearning courses and policy management and compliance. Single sourcing is at its core, and with tons of functionality, Author-it offers a collaborative solution capable of handling the needs of any organization.
At the DevLearn Conference and Expo in Las Vegas, the gears changed dramatically due to the enormous size of the conference and variety of companies at the Mirage Hotel in the center of the city.
Matt Armstrong, Director of Business Development, gave a presentation on CSS – The Underused Hero for Creating and Delivering Large Content Libraries, which focused on Author-it’s eLearning abilities and its Honeycomb output which can be tailored through CSS.
Besides meeting a wide array of people, the socks and chocolate fish were once again a favorite of the fans.

Rock the socks! Happy Authoring.